Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

Badass Women of OCR – Krisstina Davis

This entry is part 42 of 90 in the series Badass Women of OCR

Let’s be honest for a moment. If you think about your life, and who you surround yourself with, there are always a few “shining lights” within your inner circle. Within your own personal “tribe”, there are people that you can count on to lift you up, cheer you on, get down and dirty when it calls for it, and just be there for you. Those who will take risks and enjoy the gift called life that we are all blessed with, and go after amazing goals. This brings us to Krisstina Davis. She is a single mom who works on ensuring her boys have a fit, active and healthy lifestyle.

Although she works two jobs,  Krisstina makes the time to train and go after her fitness goals, including earning herself a triple Spartan Race Trifecta this year. I wanted to share her story, to show everyone that if you want something bad enough, even with a busy life, you will make it happen. She inspires me with her positive attitude, mental fortitude and her love for bringing pizza onto the longer OCR courses when required.

Please tell us a bit about yourself?
I was athletic in high school a million ages ago lol, but my current journey of being active is about 4-5 years.  It started as a weight loss journey after having kids. I saw an advertisement on Facebook for mud hero. It caught my attention & started my passion for OCR.


Who inspires you on a daily basis and why?
I can't say there is one person in particular.  I'm lucky to be surrounded by inspiring friends.  Seeing their posts & accomplishments inspires me every day to train harder, not to give up, to enjoy life, and to be a great parent & person.  However I do love a good gun show post!


Running / training for OCRS with children must be a schedule juggle.
Please share with us how you manage to do both?

And as a single mom with 2 jobs! It sure is a challenge, but in the end it is about goals for both me and my boys.  This takes time management planning, finding the life/fun, balance and being sure to include them in every way I can. I want to fulfill my own goals but it is also about ensuring my boys find their own passion and stay active.


What is your one big “everyday” life relatable take away that you have learned from OCR / Running / being healthy and active?
Never judge someone's performance or journey but be there to lift them up, offer support and cheer them on both in life & on course. I'm surrounded by amazing people that have become my family.  I believe I'm a better person today because of their support & friendship. They continue to inspire me to be a better person & runner.


What is one thing that being involved in OCR has taught you?
To be brave and face my fears.  That no matter how tough things seem, I will get through it.

What is your favorite post-race OCR food?
FOOD! Any food that I can stuff in my face lol. Honestly, I'm hungry for days after a big race and when I'm out on course for long periods (8-12hrs), I start to day dream of food.  It has become a little tradition and joke to bring pizza out on the long courses.  Man! Does it ever taste amazing after hours of climbing mountains.


In terms of being bad ass, you were nominated for this series.  In your own words what makes you bad ass?
I honestly don't think of myself as badass. If by badass they mean how much pizza I can stuff my face while racing…well then….guilty.  In all seriousness though, I hope I inspire at least one person into an active lifestyle.  I think my true badassery lies within my support for others.  I make one hell of a cheerleader and I love helping those struggling on course as I've been there myself.  People inspire me and it makes me so proud when I see them succeed.  I hope my support whether it be physical, emotional or verbal helps them reach their goals and lifts them up to keep pushing forward because we all know that getting there is an incredible feeling and a life changing journey!


What is the one race that if money was no object you would go do?
I would love to do an OCR or adventure race overseas! I love to travel, find adventures and trying new things. Africa would be fun but I'm up for anything.


What has been your proudest athletic achievement to date?
Honestly? , Crossing any finish line! Keeps me coming back every time.   Also finishing OCR world championships 2016 as it was an incredible atmosphere. My triple trifecta this year was another bucket list item that I completed with so many amazing people.


What is one thing that you always take on course?
My hydration pack and inhaler. Go team puffer!


Is there any race or challenge that you would never do, if so which one is it and why?
Nope! I may fear it but I'll show up at the start line and cross the finish line.


What has been the toughest thing you have struggled with during your OCR career?
Oh man! I'm always injured or sick! It's a constant battle that interferes with my training and goals.  Spinal injuries to ankle sprains…however, I keep pushing forward. I see others that have battled more serious issues and continue to crush their goals. That inspires me to keep showing up and Spartan the “eff” up, as a good friend once told me.


Please share one little known fact about you.
I am killer at playing the spoons haha. My grandfather taught me growing up.  I also used to live In Hong King and know sign language.


If I were to say that you inspire people, how does that make you feel?
It's wonderful! I would be honoured to know I inspired others. Whether it be preparing for their first race, running their first race or if they needed help crossing that finish line. I'll be there. I'll cheer for you. If I can do it, you definitely can! Let's cross that finish line together


If someone wants to reach out to you on social media how can they find you?
Facebook: Krisstina Davis

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