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Episode Recap – Broken Skull Challenge Season 5 Episode 10


I’m sad. This is the last regular episode of the season. Two weeks ago Cassidy’s reign came to an end at the hands and feet of Corinna. Ms. Coffin has a history in OCR by showing up kind of unannounced and blowing everyone else out of the water. Before there was Rea Kolbl at WTM, there was Corinna Coffin. I don’t see either one of these ladies letting go of their crowns anytime soon. Tonight will be no exception. Unless there’s another Cassidy, Corinna, or Rea out there who we don’t know about.

Tonight’s lineup includes a handful of OCR girls as well as the smattering of CrossFit, pro-Strongwoman, personal trainer, and an executive assistant. Now there’s somebody who understands obstacles. Nobody gets to the boss unless they go through the EA. I’ll choose her to beat out all the rest, OCR girls included.

Unless the dairy farmer can come through. Let’s enjoy the psycho on the Summit.

Kris and Heba trash talked to the start line. They started with a sprint then latched on to one another and rolled back to the staging area. This looked more like the Pit. The other girls loved it. Finally, Heba broke free and scrambled to the top. She blew a kiss of death to Kris.

Jackie and Beverly went next. Beverly knows pain, serious pain. But has she ever experienced the pain of rejection from an executive assistant? There was a lot of leg grabbing and pulling each other back down the hill. These girls got seriously busted up. Jackie broke free and made it up on all fours to finish the job.

Jackie and Heba may be too exhausted to finish the day. Maybe two more long battles will give them some needed rest time.

Brandi and Megan toed up. They almost made it to the top when the third wrestling match of the morning began. Megan reversed and Brandi bucked hard. But Megan the milkmaid stayed up and hit the bell. She may have an issue later on with her knee that she felt pop during the match.

Nina and Caitlin brought up the rear, “all ass and legs”. They clashed right off the line and Nina slammed Caitlin right down. She stayed on top but locked in Caitlin’s bear hug. Caitlin reversed and kept the same lock, then with a powerful shove, put Nina into the ground. She sprinted to the top and finished the job.

Round two took the girls to Death Grip. These monster-sized hex bar carry weights threw some of the big men around like puppies last week. Today, Megan and Jackie went first. One of my favorites was about to go down the road. Megan’s milk jug experience made this an easy win for her as Jackie seemed a bit surprised by the mass and off-balance weights. She took that memory back to the office.

Heba and Caitlin came up next. They almost ran the first leg with the barrels. They turned at the same time, hefted the bars, and then Caitlin dropped the bar a few times. Heba totaled this obstacle as she sprinted back then rang the bell.

So Heba and Megan faced off at the Pit. It was milkmaid versus personal trainer. No OCR left in the house. That doesn’t happen very often. The Peak was another heavy carry that should favor Megan. But it will come down to the Pit for these two. Heba grabbed her first log and sprinted. I think the rabbit attack expended too much energy that she really needed for the Pit. On the third log, my sense proved right as Heba fell face flat on the log. She got back up, finished the obstacle, then ran right into the Pit.

Megan took her time getting herself ready for a huge battle. They danced without contact for about twenty seconds, then hit. Heba wrestled Megan’s extremities but could not get her out. They both stood up and started again.

Megan got on top with the advantage and wrestled Heba’s arms to the edge. Eventually, Megan rolled Heba over and her shoulder touched out. Turns out wrestling cows was all the experience she needed to wrestle her way to the top today. Megan will need a good night’s sleep to get ready for the Skullbuster. Her torn ACL will also need to stay strong.

Steve had similar concerns the next morning and asked Megan if she was physically able to run the Skullbuster. She declined. Corinna ran in to meet Megan and wished her the best. Steve did likewise and sent her down the road. Corinna pocketed another $10K and will be back next season to run the new Skullbuster and set a new mark for the girls.

Megan, you made the right call. I had to do it last year when I tore my ACL. I missed almost the entire 2017 season so I could get the surgery and let the knee heal. It was worth it. You’ll be back good as new and strong, ready to take on your next challenge.

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