Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

OCR 101: Did You Win? How to Cope with the Awkward Post Race Questions

This entry is part 18 of 25 in the series OCR 101


It's Monday morning after an obstacle race or mud run or other non-traditional race as you recount your weekend the event whether it be a big race like a Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, or Warrior Dash or one of the smaller or more local obstacle races or mud runs, the question seems to arise for many who take competition seriously, Did you win?. Did you win is that awkward question that many cringe thinking about.

For your fellow employee the question is normally asked in a lighthearted trying to be interested in your life way, but for the racer, the question can run a shiver down the neck. In fact, it can be put into the category of things not to talk about along with religion, politics, and one's relationships. But the question at some point will come up and instead of jokingly shrug it away instead here are a few ways to deal with the Did you win? question and others.

Did you win? 

Instead of laughing this one off next time, engage the question asker. Tell them about the number of people who race these races, explain part of doing an obstacle race or mud run is about completing the obstacles and doing more than you did before. Then you can explain about how some races are not timed at all and instead are challenges for you to accomplish. If it is your child asking, remember you will always be a winner in their eyes (even if they don't show it) but instead pick one or two things you did really well in the race and highlight those achievements instead of a place finishing.

Why Race if You Don't Compete?

Commonplace after describing how doing an obstacle race mush of the time is not about the finish time, many non-racers will ask why do it if you aren't there to compete. Again like above use the chance to talk about one or two things that happened in that particular race that you couldn't do in the past or you surprised yourself with doing while racing. Your enthusiasm will show in your retelling of your weekend and the excitement is often hard to contain.

How is this fun?

Fun can be described in many ways, whether it be fitness, friends, going out on the town, or reading a book. While some of the other activities will probably have less visible signs on Monday of what you did over the weekend obstacle racing and mud runs are a little harder to cover the bruises on Monday morning. When someone asks how is it fun, ask them if they played outside as a kid, made forts, made mud pies, and remembered those summer days running around in the warm rain. Obstacle racing and mud runs as well as other non-traditional races bring the participants back to that time and back to that place of freedom and joy. Some read books, some roll in the mud, if you can laugh about it then its a win.

Are you crazy?

It seems these string of questions follow a pattern and always land on the are you crazy statement or question mixed into a conversation about mud runs or obstacle races especially when talking about electrified obstacles. The question can be frustrating at first but then you realize crazy is in the eyes of the beholder and what is crazier spending a day running around having fun and pushing yourself or sitting around on the couch watching TV.


Overall, it can be hard to answer the questions after having a life changing experience at a race or a run with those who have never experienced it. Instead of getting upset of flustered, take the time to talk about what you love and why you love it. Focus on the positive it has caused in your life and maybe you will talk someone else into a race in the future!

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