Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

Badass Women of OCR – Lisa Lindley (BEASTS OCR)

This entry is part 11 of 90 in the series Badass Women of OCR

Allow me to introduce Lisa Lindley. This 38-year badass a momma has embraced the sport of OCR with a passion. She is hardworking, strong, determined but proves anyone can overcome fears one steps at a time. I enjoyed getting to learn more about her, as at the end of the day our biggest challenge can be within our own selves. Lisa truly believes that every time she steps on course she finds inner strength that she didn't know she had before, and this is truly what makes our sport unique. It is not always about finish times, but about coming across that finish line a different person.

Please tell us a bit about yourself. 

I am 38 years young and a Chiropractic assistant. I'm a single mom to an active teenage daughter and two fur babies Jax and Sadie whom all keep me on my toes I am a bit of a Star Wars fan and I love to be outside and with my friends and family I like to consider myself a reader with all the book stacked next to my bed that I have a few chapters in on each of them. Some days between work, family and training I am not sure if I am coming or going but I know that I am moving forward and that I have found a sport that has become my happy place. I am at peace and home one the race course.

Did you always consider yourself athletic?

I was a band geek in High school and I never considered myself an athletic person by any means. It wasn't until the last couple of years that I finally started to see myself as an athlete. It took me quite a while to see myself as one.

How did you get into the sport of OCR?

I had a good friend convince me to do a Warrior Dash in the Summer of 2014 but I signed up in the winter. After I signed up for the Warrior Dash I got a wild hair and started to sign up for a few other ” fun runs” one of them being the 2014 Portland Spartan Sprint which as Call Pac West back then. Little did I know what I was getting myself into. The Warrior Dash was great, but it was the Spartan Sprint in 2014 that changed my life. It was after that race that I was hooked! I haven't stopped racing since then. I only do open heats still, but I am improving year after year.

How did you get involved with the Beasts OCR team?

I was introduced to the Beasts in the winter of 2015 when they were still South Sound OCR I was invited to join the team after a Spartan Workout Tour. I am one of the OG Beasts. I raced with the Beasts OCR in their first race as a team at the Montana Founders race in 2015. I was blessed this year to become an Ambassador for the team for the 2018 season and I have loved every moment of it. This team is an amazing team full of racers from Pro Athletes to people just starting their journeys.

What was your first race like?

My first official OCR was the 2014 Warrior Dash it was a lot of fun the OCR that got me Hooked was the 2014 Spartan Sprint at Washougal Washington

What initially drew you into the world of OCR?

I love getting muddy and the thought of playing in the mud and going over and through things while covered in mud was the most amazing mix for me. Once I did the Spartan Race and was pushed physically and mentally with the bonus of getting so muddy it was the perfect trifecta of happiness for me I found my sport. I found something that made me happy yet pushed me physically but didn't make me feel inadequate. For the first time, I felt empowered in a sport

Do you feel that due to strong women like yourself, that others are more willing to push their own limits?

I think that more and more women are going to get into OCR's it’s an incredibly empowering sport. You are out there pushing yourself to be better and strong than you were in the last race. The mission for me each race is to finish strong and do better on the Obstacles that give me trouble. I feel that this sport helps women see an inner strength within themselves that they don't always know that they have.

What has been your favorite obstacle and why?

I absolutely Love the lifts and carries give me the tire Flips and Herc Hoists I feel like a powerhouse when I am doing those obstacles and the carries make me feel like a bass ass! They are a challenge, but I love them. The Spartan Bucket carry is one I dread yet love all at the same time.

What has been your least favorite obstacle and why?

The inverted wall at the Spartan Race that one has made me cry multiple times. It’s one that has broken me mentally a time or two. I struggle with it One day I will conquer that thing and make it my B$@$. I used to have issues with heights but not anymore now it’s the inverted wall… one damn day.

With so many amazing women on course this year, do you find yourself becoming more competitive, inspired or both?

I am utterly and completely inspired by the amount of strong and passionate women on course this year! I am so blessed and lucky to have some amazing women on my team who motivate and push me to be a better athlete and person. Plus, I follow some of our top Ladies on OCR like Rose Weztle, Amelia Boone and Laura Messner. I felt incredible blessed this last weekend in Dallas to have the chance to meet Laura Messner! It just fueled my fire to stay motivated and keep training. I might run in the age group one day but now I'm looking at possibly doing an Ultra after seeing my amazing teammates finishing that Dallas Ultra.

What type of training do you complete for OCR training?

I go to my local YMCA, do some trail running, and am thinking about joining a Crossfit Box. I tend to do a little of this and that. I don’t really have routine so to speak but somehow, I have managed to lose 75lbs in the last year.

For someone that is newer to the OCR sport, what is one solid piece of advice that you wish to pass on?

Stay out of your head, have good shoes and socks, and most of all remember to have fun.

Is there a time you remember where you had to escape your own fears/ doubts to accomplish a super huge obstacle on course?

The 2015 Founders Beast in Montana the A Frame Cargo net was on top of a mountain and overlooked Flathead lake, My fear of heights utterly over took me and my teammate saw my fear and had me look at her and she instead that we play titty cakes. the adult version of patty cake as we straddle the top of the cargo net she got me distracted from the height factor and had me laughing so hard. By the time we finished my nerves were calm and I was able to get down from that cargo net and keep going.

Do you believe that the OCR sport should be geared towards competitive only, the weekend warrior or both?

I think it should be for both. The competitive Athletes are the ones that inspire people like me to keep motivated and the inspire me to do better. We need to keep the weekend warrior in mind because it is helping inspire people to get off their couches its helping us show others that being physically active can be fun.

If anyone wants to reach out to you on social media how can they find you?

They can find me on Instagram: Curvyocrwarriorwoman


Series Navigation<< Badass Women of OCR – Jessica Martin (BEASTS OCR)Badass Women of OCR – Fontaine Rittelmann (Beasts OCR) >>

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