Mud Run, OCR, Obstacle Course Race & Ninja Warrior Guide

The Captain Kaufmann Fit Challenge: Keep Pushing Yourself in 2018.

How’s that resolution holding up?

Are you as dedicated as ever, or are your workouts becoming stale?

You finished last month’s challenge, but have you neglected the teachings of the one before? It’s imperative to keep yourself motivated, and with that comes the issue of developing a plan that hits all of your key muscles, without sending your fitness routine into autopilot.

Jeremy “The Captain” Kaufmann knows what it’s like to stall out while training for OCR. Repetitive, sometimes grueling movements can weigh heavy on the mind and body, especially in the dreaded off-season. As fitness challenges continue to pop up around the social media sphere, he thought,

“Why isn’t there something to keep us motivated every day, without recycling the same WOD?”

Well, to keep things fun and interesting, Kaufmann has established the Captain Kaufmann Fit Challenge (#CKFitChallenge on Instagram) to add something new to ongoing monthly challenges and provide a short, but intense and targeted OCR-focused daily challenge. The tests are easy to perform, at home or at a gym, with fairly minimal equipment, and range from bodyweight to light additional weight requirements.

“Monthly challenges are a great way to focus on a certain aspect of OCR, but they can be draining, or difficult to maintain, especially during race season,” says Kaufmann. The main point of the CK Fit Challenge is to highlight areas where you can use improvement, or movements where you excel, all while having fun, challenging yourself, and joining a community of enthusiasts who are on the same mission.”

The daily challenges allow people to come and go; participate as they please, especially during race season or rest days. Each day consists of a movement that may be listed as an AMRAP or a specific number. For example, one day may challenge you to do 5 burpees in 10 seconds, and a month later, it may be 10 burpees in 20 seconds. Another may be a dead hang or sprints. Strength, speed, agility, endurance and mental grit are all on the schedule for the CKFit Challenge.

The Captain and I burpee and broad jump 400 meters.

“OCR is about moving your body weight, up, over, under and through, while running from point A to point B, which is never a straight line. These challenges will aid in your ability to accomplish each task with exercises all over the map, ranging from sit-ups to Turkish get ups, lots of pull ups and grip strength and of course a fair amount of running and burpees.”

There is no need to sign up to participate in the CK Fit Challenge.  If you wish to participate, simply let Captain Kaufmann know by tagging #CKFitChallenge on Instagram, then click the link in his bio to see the challenge for each day, and give it your best shot!

There are also opportunities to win prizes!

“Always have confidence in your ability, but know that at any point you could encounter something unexpected,” says The Captain. “Be ready to adapt to the various challenges. If you can do this and keep your mind clear, you can conquer any obstacle!”

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