Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run obstacle races, mud run, and OCR information, distance, cost, dates, calendar, discounts, obstacles, reviews, and more

Looking for a challenge? Test your mettle on the obstacle course used for the JROTC Raider and the SRT(SWAT) Competition! Sign up for the Competitive Run for a chance to win cash prizes! Looking for some family fun? Obstacles are meant to be challenging but not impossible. Sign up for the Novice Run and you can skip any obstacles that may be too difficult and continue on the course!
Upcoming Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run Events
We don't know of any upcoming events for Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run. You can check out our list of past events and reviews below, or if you know of an upcoming race, add it to our calendar!
Browse our calendar of previous mud runs, mud races & obstacle races for Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run
Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run Reviews from the Community
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(Scroll up to see a list of upcoming events for Fredericktown JROTC Mud Run)