Weekly Mud Run Guide is amazed at the amount of sheer awesomeness emanating from the obstacle racing community. With the obstacle racing season underway in the southern parts of the United States. The stories of the accomplishments in the Mud Run Guide community continue to inspire our social media manager, Bonnie Wilson.

This week she pulled two Instagram posts that both left her in awe and inspired for the next generation. Highlights this week come from Josh Andrews at Warrior Dash and Junior for his daughter's achievement at Spartan Race Arizona.

Josh Andrew's continues to challenge himself for a good cause. Last year he lunged an entire Warrior Dash to raise awareness and money for The Special Operations Warrior Foundation. This year he was at it again, only this time he bear crawled the entire event, raising money and awareness in the process.

At Mud Run Guide we know that kids are the next generation of obstacle racing. Junior didn't highlight his own achievement at the recent Spartan Race but that of his daughter. Who was the first to complete the kid's trifecta. Here is the next generation of muddy racers!

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