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Plant City Florida Romp in the Swamp II 2014

November 01, 2014

Lakeside Station

2302 Henderson Way, Plant City, FL, United States

Use discount code MUDRUNGUIDE2014 for $30 off your registration


November 01, 2014

Add to Calendar 11/01/2014 09:00 AM 11/01/2014 11:00 AM Plant City Florida Romp in the Swamp II 2014 Romp in the Swamp
Lakeside Station
Lakeside Station, 2302 Henderson Way, Plant City, FL, United States Romp in the Swamp use-title true MM/DD/YYYY

Race Start Time:

9:00 - Competitive 5k
9:20, 9:40, 10, 10:20, 10:40, 11, 11:20, 11:40 - Individual/Team 5k
10:30 & 12 - Kids 1 mile run


Lakeside Station
2302 Henderson Way
Plant City, FL, United States - View Map

Distance & Course Length:

5k & Kids 1 mile


Romp in the Swamp

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Use discount code MUDRUNGUIDE2014 for $30 off your registration


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Who’s Attending?

Let people know you are attending by sharing on Facebook and adding it to your MRG profile, or by entering your email.

Cost & Pricing:

Individual CostUntil

What You Get / What's Included:

  • Driblend shirt
  • Fnisher medal
  • Number and timing chip


Course Description:

The run is fairly flat, through trees, pastures, river, and undisturbed land. The run path is open with man made and natural obstacles. Last year we had 25 in a 5k run. We overlap a couple of the adult obstacles into the kids and add 8 more tailored to them.
Listing from last year:
1. Alligator Death Roll* - Four 36’ in diameter pipes that rotate 4 to 6 rpm while participant tries to crawl through.
2. The Warped Wall – Ramped wall - A 10’ wall with a ramped approach at the bottom that participants crawl over.
3. Jacobs Ladder – Rope Ladder; 15’ H that is on a swivel. The participant goes up and back down.
4. Lumber Jack Log Roll - A balance beam over few inches of water just above the ground, Beam capable of rolling from side to side while runners cross it (appoximately10-15’ in length)
5. The Tire Wall – A wall of tires that are bolted together and hung from tree limb. Runners will climb up tires, over tree limb and back down the other side.
6. Under Wall x 3 –a wall that is built up off the ground for runners to crawl under, usually in the water or mud.
7. Over Wall x 3 – This is a wall 4’ high the runners will have to jump or climb over.
8. Pick Your Poison (Note - competitive wave: decide which obstacle will be there’s) 5ft, 8ft, 10ft walls. Runners will choose which wall they want to climb over (x3).
9. Up the Creek – Providing the creek is at normal level, approximately knee deep, runner will navigate the creek on foot for 75 to 100 yards and then exit to continue course. (Can use creek bank if water is too deep).
10. Scorpion Steps – An A-Frame structure that will be constructed like a large ladder that runners will climb up and over.
11. Amy’s Crossing – A structure that has multiple monkey bars that will be crossed by runners, sometimes over mud or water.
12. Log Carry – Runners will be expected to pick up logs of various sizes and weights and carry them in a loop off the main track and back again for the next runner.
13. Wallenda Walk – Rope crossing (tightrope feet and overhead for hands)
14. The Black Widow – Ropes tied at different angles from tree across the course path. Runners will have to climb through.
15. Cargo Climb – A large cargo net suspended from trees that runners will climb up and over.
16. She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy – Tire flip - Large tractor to truck tires that will be flipped forward 3 times then back again.
17. Rattlesnake Slither – Low crawl in mud or water approx. 24”
18. Log Jam – Logs will be cut, stacked and secured together in an uneven manner to block the path as runners will climb through them.
19. Ring My Bell – Multiple ropes from large tree limbs. Runners will climb rope and ring bell, climb down. Some ropes will have knots some will not.
20. Dante’s Peak* - Two 6’ wide treadmills that will be moving in the downhill direction. Runners will have to overcome to make it over the obstacle.
21. Mount Michelin – Mountain of tires where runners climb up and over.
22. Cliffhanger – Traverse wall - 24” x 8’ and 2’ off the ground with hand and foot holds. Runners will cross horizontally.
23. Stump Jump – Different length logs buried in the ground. Runners will jump one to the other testing balance and agility.
24. Gator Back – Fixed balance beam with one end on the ground and other end elevated. Several in a row.
25. The Armadillo – Crooked tunnel maze that runner will crawl through.

Aid Stations:

We have 2 aid stations on the course with paramedics on hand.
We have 2 water stations on the course and fruit/water at the end of the race.


First wave/Competitive only - Top 3 men & women trophies and men &women age group trophies
They receive a special run/logo specific one of a kind trophy!


We will award a trophy for Best Dressed Individual and Best Dressed Group


There is no spectator fee. Spectators will have designated viewing areas.


$10 - plenty of parking very close to the registration/race start area.

Post Party:

We have a DJ and MC during the event. There will be food vendors selling food.


We have a kids race (5-12). All runners receive a number, timing chip, driblend shirt, and a finishers medal. You don't need to be able to swim, the river the course crosses is only waist high - depending on the rain fall prior. (kids won't be crossing the river) We have free bag check, shower/wash and changing area. All proceeds go the the South Florida Baptist Hospital Foundation and the Plant City Chamber of Commerce Foundation. Both give back to the community, one by offering check ups and service to underprivileged children and the other by giving scholarships to high school graduates to start their college years.


We do have a team option - pricing per individual is the same & there is no extra fee to create a team. Team size is unlimited - we give a trophy to the biggest team!

Coupons / Discount Codes:

Please see our obstacle course race discount & promotion page for all the latest discounts, promos, promotions, discount codes, and coupon codes for Plant City Florida Romp in the Swamp II 2014. There also may be one listed at the top of this page.