Last week leading obstacle racing company, Savage Race introduced a new video series titled, Inside the Obstacle. The first in the series features the Wheel World obstacle. Matty T. of Savage Race goes behind the scenes to explain some of the signature obstacles of Savage Race and give you insight into how to successfully navigate them. You might recognize Matty T. if you have been at a Savage Race, normally he is the one at the start pumping you up before heading out on the course. In this new series, he shows up how fun and exciting the obstacles of Savage Race can be!
Want to learn more about the Wheel World, how it is built, the details, and more check out the first addition of Inside the Obstacle with an overview and explanation of the Wheel World obstacle. Enjoy the entertaining and engaging video in the first of a series from Savage Race.
Inside the Obstacle: Wheel World
What is your favorite Savage Race obstacle?
Have you tried Wheel Well yet at a Savage Race?
Share with us your tips and experiences on this obstacle in our comments section.
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