Day 5
Miles today: 48.5
Miles Run so far: 241.35
Miles to go: 2788.65
The crew is quickly realizing the challenge of the planned route as we head further east in California. The desert is pretty isolated with sometimes only I-10 passing through the area. As a pedestrian, Adam can’t be on the interstate, and as a crew, it is illegal for us to stop on the interstate if it's not an emergency. So, the route has been pushed into the desert on mostly hard- packed, but some soft, sandy power line trails. The soft sand is like walking on the beach and is causing Adam a lot of pain in his legs, especially his shins. The crew is constantly researching new route ideas to make sure Adam is safe on the road, legal, out of the sand and we can access him by vehicle to get him hydrated and refueled in the desert heat. The crew is hesitant to take the sandy route in the RV, too, since the film crew already got stuck once. We have also faced many road closures on the limited other paved roads in the desert. The crew continues to find creative ways to keep Adam moving and supporting him by biking supplies out or whatever we have to do to get him more water and food. Even though the miles are hard and painful, Adam still cracks his own jokes and sings at the pit stops. Spirits are high!
Day 6
Miles today: 40.1
Miles Run so far: 281.45
Miles to go: 2748.55
Day 6 began just after 4:00 am. It was difficult for the entire crew to watch Adam hobble away and begin ticking off the steps for the day. The first 5 miles were extremely slow going since Adam was in agony from the pain in his legs. Before Adam even arrived at the first pit stop, the crew was already researching how to find a doctor. In these parts of California and Arizona, we couldn’t find an open doctor’s office on the weekends. In perfect timing, ultra pal, Kyle McCoy pulled up on the side of the road to meet us. On a whim, Kyle had flown from Seattle, WA to Phoenix, AZ and drove west 150 miles to walk with Adam and encourage him through the pain. The two began walking together just before sunrise in California, crossed into Arizona together, and ended the day in the dark desert.
Kyle successfully distracted Adam for 35 miles sharing stories, encouragement and the two planned together about future races. Kyle did this all to uplift Adam in a painful time, even when he has his 130-mile race next week. What's funny is the two have only spent six days together, but both feel like best buds. When you endure pain in the desert together once (in the Gobi Desert in China) the friendship runs deep and fast. But, with his desert angel, Kyle, Adam traveled on foot for 16.5 hours and walked 40 miles for the day. Victory!
Day 7
Miles today: 30
Miles Run so far: 311.45
Miles to go: 2,718.55
Day 7 was another day in the hot, dry desert. Except, today we found a route on pavement instead of isolated, soft sand trails. Crew mates Clayton and Josh both walked with Adam for several miles in the morning and Karen, Adam’s wife, joined in this evening. In the afternoon, we prioritized stretching and working out Adam's muscles and cramps to loosen him up a bit. This first week has not gone to plan with the number of miles we anticipated accomplishing by this point, but we have realized Adam’s body is still adjusting to the new routine. We still have a lot of time ahead of us, and Adam is pushing through the pain like a champ. 30 more miles were completed today! Each step is one closer to New York. Bring on Day 8!
Link to donate (documentary): https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bearded-sole-project-a-running-documentary#/
- Where is Adam now? Live Tracking (Support Van): https://share.delorme.com/AdamKimbleGWR or Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/494499582
- Fund Adam’s Run: https://www.gofundme.com/AdamsRaceAcrossUSA
- Pick up a Bearded Sole Limited-Edition T-shirt: http://booster.com/adamkimble1
- Support the “Bearded Sole” documentary on Adam’s World Record Run: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-bearded-sole-project-a-running-documentary#/
- Who are the documentary guys? http://www.charliekmedia.com
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