Day 9

Day 9 Recap:

Miles today: 0

Miles Run so far: 350.45

Miles to go: 2679.55

Today was a day of rest for Adam. He finished the day yesterday at sunset and his pain level in his left shin was at a 10 out of 10. He connected with his doctor and was advised to get rest. So, Adam and Karen decided to have Adam rest for two days to see how he feels after getting some rest. His health is the main priority right now. After keeping his legs elevated and iced all day, his pain is still about the same. Hopefully, tomorrow shows better results!

Day 10

Day 10 Recap

Miles today: 0

Miles Run so far: 350.45

Miles to go: 2679.55

Today was Adam’s second day of rest. Again, Adam kept his legs elevated and iced throughout today. His pain level has decreased from a 10 to a seven throughout the day. We are pumped to see progress for Adam! The team decided to take one more rest day to see if we can get the pain down even more.

Day 11

Day 11 Recap

Miles today: 0

Miles Run so far: 350.45

Miles to go: 2679.55

Again, today was a rest day for Adam to hopefully recover a little more. The inflammation on his left shin decreased and the pain went down from a seven to a four! The plan is to start walking again tomorrow and see how it goes. Adam’s health is our top priority right now and we are going hour by hour. The miles begin again tomorrow! We are all excited!

Series Navigation<< Adam Kimble's Run Across USA – Day 8Adam Kimble's Run Across USA: Day 12 >>

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