The Mud Run Guide community is toeing the starting line around the world this weekend. With the obstacle racing season deep into the dog days of summer, we have community members around the world pushing themselves weekend after weekend. Our athletes are out conquering obstacles everywhere. As the Mud Run Guide community continues to grow each week we highlight two members who stood out.

Bonnie Wilson our social media guru went through the hundreds of photos you tagged #mudrunguide in this past week. She picked two that stood out from the crowd. This week's members were at the Spartan in Utah and Rugged Maniac in Canada.

Our first community member Elia Figueroa (eliafigueroa_ocr) battled the elements and altitude in Utah to earn her Super Medal. She writes:

Spartan Utah was exciting.. regardless of the soreness, blisters, altitude and the sickness…. we came out and ran the Sprint today!! We had such a blast!! Enjoyed talking and hanging out with dear friends ❤❤… safe travels back home everyone… until the next one!? @machetemadness Pro Team

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Quinn Goldie (@quinn.goldie) recently took on a Rugged Maniac in Canada. She was hanging and having a good time with friends. She says

“Yes… We were the two party animals on the course yesterday with “water” in our hydration packs. Just confirming that the rumors were true. ?#sorryruggedmaniac #sorrynotsorry ? Matty Kidd”

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Series Navigation<< Community Members of the Week: August 3 – 9, 2018Community Members of the Week: July 13 – 19, 2018 >>

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